Belbin facilitator ‘How to’ training and Belbin Accreditation training.

Western Cape open Belbin Accreditation training on the 12th & 13th of September 2019. Please contact or to book. In-house training is also [...]

9 toxic workplace cultures – and how to address them with Belbin.

Workplace culture can be tricky – to create, to cultivate, to change. Get it right when you’re starting out and you’ll boost engagement and results, recruiting others who buy into the positive [...]

Belbin ‘How to’ Course or Belbin Accreditation Training ?

Your chance to get to know the real Belbin Belbin Team Roles is the language of teams, enabling people to project and talk about their behavioural strengths in a safe, non-confrontational and [...]

Using Belbin to build psychological safety in teams.

“In the best teams, members listen to one another and show sensitivity to feelings and needs.” That was the finding of Google’s ground-breaking Project Aristotle – the concept of [...]