TEAM ROLE SPOTLIGHT – Monitor Evaluator

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Objective   To analyse ideas and suggestions, and evaluate their feasibility.


Monitor Evaluators are serious-minded, prudent individuals best suited to analysing problems and evaluating ideas and suggestions to determine their viability, and help develop them further. To this end, if they can develop a strong working relationship with the team’s Plant, this is likely to serve the team well.

Fair-minded and proficient at critical thinking, they are adept at weighing up the pros and cons of a situation, reaching decisions using logic, rather than being swayed by enthusiasm or personal and emotional considerations. Accordingly, they may keep a distance from the team in meetings or other group settings, allowing them to observe proceedings whilst remaining impartial.

Monitor Evaluators enjoy debate and are likely to pride themselves on taking their time to get the big decisions right. As such, they should be the arbiters of decision-making within the team. The more complex the decision-making process – and the more variables involved – the more important this role becomes to the team’s chances of success.

Potential weaknesses

With an in-built immunity to enthusiasm, Monitor Evaluators may be perceived as dry and boring

to colleagues. As a result, they often lack the ability to inspire others in the team. It is the Monitor Evaluator’s low sense of drive which allows impartiality, but this may be perceived as lacklustre.Monitor Evaluators are likely to take their time when deliberating over a decision, which may be frustrating to others in the team who want things to move faster. At worst, they can become caught up in academic debate without reaching a judgement.

They can also be tactless and overly critical when debunking unsound ideas, which can cause friction with the Plant or Resource Investigator who offers it for consideration, and lower team morale. This upset may not be apparent to a Monitor Evaluator who expects to see his or her own detachment mirrored in others.

Non-negotiable weaknesses

Whilst Monitor Evaluators may be skeptical about new ideas, responding with cynicism – and without any underlying logic – is unacceptable.

Team Role compatibility

Monitor Evaluators are best managed by a Co-ordinator who can ensure they are consulted at the relevant points They manage most other roles well, with the possible exception of Shapers (who are likely to become frustrated with the pace of change) and fellow Monitor Evaluators, since the relationship is likely to result in prolonged debate without conclusion.

How to handle


Invite them to assess an idea thoroughly, express their concerns and resist hasty decision-making.


Attempt to influence them with optimism or emotional appeals. Avoid pressuring them to make a quick judgement.

Optimum working environment

Monitor Evaluators fare best in strategic situations where success or failure depends on taking a small number of crucial decisions.

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